Intentional Community Agreement Template

A written agreement between participants is essential. They change depending on what the group collectively want. Also very importantly, the legal structure of the arrangement greatly influences what the agreement includes. So it is critical that you understand the different legal structures and know the pros and cons, and why agreements includes what it does. See the Legal page that explains the various legal structures.

As explained on the legal page, we believe the Strata Title structure is best. But it is difficult to  achieve and may take some time. So it is best to begin with the Foundation and Trust structure, which basically means you own a share of the land.


As explained on the Legal page, The Foundation and Trust structure is intended as a stepping stone to the Strata Title structure.

The Aim of The Agreements:

The agreements are designed so that everyone can make important decisions that affect their own life, with limited capacity to affect other people. In other words, everyone can do pretty much whatever they want, as long as they don’t affect other people.



The “Property” is the land purchased for the purposes of the Community’s activities.

The “Lot” is the specific land owned by the Participant, for which they hold the title.

The “Participant” is an entity (Person) contributing payment for the purchase of the Property,

The “Community” is collectively all “Participants”.

An Individual (the “Individual”) is any flesh-and-blood human who attends the property.

“Minor Votes” are community votes pertaining to less critical issues that may not affect all Individuals. All Participants are entitled to vote, but it is not compulsory. For a motion to be carried, 51% or more of votes must be in-favor of the motion.

“Major Votes” are community votes pertaining to critical issues that are likely to affect most or all Individuals. All legally capable Participants are entitled to vote, but it is not compulsory. For a motion to be carried, 90% or more of votes must be in-favor of the motion.

“Residence” is the housing in which Individuals reside (sleep, eat, bath etc).

All Individuals must agree to these terms before being admitted to the property. It is the responsibility of all Individuals to ensure their guests also understand and agree to the rules.


  • The goal is to create a safe, free and comfortable community of like-minded people who are free of debt.

Ultimately it is a group of people buying land together and using intelligent solutions to make living more affordable.


  • Each Participant shall have legal title to his/her own Lot as provided by the Australian Government.
  • Participants may make their own decisions concerning their Lot.
  • The Participant may sell or trade their Lot as they see fit. However, any new Participant or Individual must first agree to the abide by this agreement.


  • Illegal activity is the sole risk of the Individual.

It is not your business what other people do, unless it is likely to affect you. If you are doing something illegal, keep in mind others may vote to expel you. This does not mean something minor like taping TV shows. It is more in reference to something major like operating a drug lab.

  • Alcohol, tobacco or other drug use is the Individual’s sole choice and responsibility.


  • Pets are permitted but subject to council restrictions.
  •  Individuals who have elected to care for pets are responsible for its well-being, and regular disposal of biological waste. In particular Individuals must not any animal under their care to defecate on another Participant’s Lot or in any area that is shared by all Individuals.

If you have a potentially dangerous dog, it will not be permitted. The safety of individuals will not be risked. You can expect there to be a trial period to assess the pet’s nature, although it may not be granted. Also don’t let your animal leave a mess everywhere and if it does, it is your responsibility to clean it up.


  • Prior to the building of a facility, Participants must agree on which Individuals will have access.
  • Individual Lots are the private property of Participants on which no Individual is permitted without prior consent from the owner. Everywhere else on the Property is shared by all Individuals.


  • Major Votes are conducted for the following issues:

– The development of anything that requires council approval, and may restrict further development on the Property

– Any other issues that are likely to significantly affect the majority of other Individuals

  • Minor Votes are conducted for the following issues:

– Any issues that are likely to affect at least one other Individual, and do not warrant a Major Vote.


  • Participants may only build a facility or structure upon approval by the council, providing that the development is unlikely to affect the approval of future developments on the Property.
  • If any construction on shared land does not require a council permit, a Minor Vote must be passed for the construction to proceed.


  • Participants may remove or plant any vegetation on their Lot, provided they are permitted by the council to do so.


  • Participants are responsible for adequately maintaining their Lot and any structures on it, and adhering to maintenance required by local councils.

You must still adhere to reasonable local council rules, especially when then are likely to affect other Individuals. For example, in the bushfire season, you can’t let your grass grow out of control as it can put the safety of Individuals at risk.


  • Any payments required for property must be split evenly between all participants, unless otherwise agreed upon by the local council and Participants.


  • Participants who reside on their own Lots may not be expelled by any vote.


  • Participants may host any new Individual to reside in a residence on their Lot or to use shared property, provided that the new Individual agrees to abide by these rules.


  • Participants may host any visiting Individuals on their Lot at any time. However, the visitor may not have access to shared facilities unless a minor vote is passed.


  • All Individuals agree to to keep noise at reasonable levels after 10pm.

Sound tends to carry in the country, so be respectful and understand others may be trying to sleep. But at the same time, you should be free to have a party. If you are having a party, please notify all other Participants that are likely to be affected. It is not their place to reject any parties you have, but keep in mind that any ongoing undesirable behavior may get you expelled.


  • It is expected than not everyone will get along. If you have a problem with any Individual, try to communicate with them and resolve the matter. If it is not possible, agree to disagree and accept that you are both different people.
  • Always be respectful of others. You don’t need to talk with anyone you don’t like, but it is very easy to be polite and respectful.
  • All Individuals understand and accept that they will not always get what they want.
  • Any Individual may call a vote about any issue.

Although you will be living potentially Acres away from others, when there is contact, understand that realistically there will be arguments and different opinions. Communication and respect is important in resolving issues. If you’re the type of person that is used to getting everything their way, this program may not be suitable for you.


  • Violence, Harassment or aggression are not tolerated. This includes any form of intimidation.

A safe and happy family environment where people are tolerant and respectful is of utmost importance. If you are a difficult person to work with and cause fear or anxiety, expect that others wont want you around.


  • You can have any religious or spiritual belief you want. Individuals each have their own beliefs that may be different to yours. Respect everyone’s right to believe whatever they choose, and don’t ostracize them for it.


  • Guns and weapons are not permitted on the property. While they may be safe in the hands of experienced users, they have the capacity to cause accidental injury or death from people that inadvertently gain access.


  • The rules may be changed only by a Major Vote


  • Each individual is responsible for the production of their own food and water. However, any Individuals may agree to share workload or resources.


  • Each Participant is responsible for the proper and council-approved treatment of human waste and sewerage. All Participants must be given reasonable opportunity to review and object to the council regarding related plans.

Sewerage is a critical part of sustainability. If human waste is improperly disposed of, it can cause various issues including disease and unpleasant smells that affect all Individuals. You must use the right technology so everything is done right. Even if a council approves specific installations, your neighbor may argue they’ll be subject to foul odor.


  • The local council will provide Participants with bins they require. Each Participant must pay for their own bins which are emptied once per week by council contractors. Alternatively, Participants must make their own arrangements for regular garbage removal.
  • Individuals are expected to keep all areas surrounding their residence to be free of garbage.

Understand people want this lifestyle generally don’t like garbage, and they don’t want to see a mess. So please don’t leave a mess.


  •  Any use of chemicals anywhere on the Property must be approved by the local council, and via a Minority Vote

Chemicals can be a serious health hazard and may affect Individuals. Even if you think they are harmless, respect that other people may not want them around. You can expect a Minor Vote will enable you to use the typical chemicals such as petrol or weed killer for near your residence or fence lines. This rule is more for more harmful substances such as rat poison.


  •  Any fires must be approved by the local council, and via a Minority Vote

Small fires may be great for social gatherings, but they can be a serious hazard. Therefore they require council approval and a Minor Vote. You don’t need to call a vote every time you want to light a fire. Just once is enough.



The “Property” is the land purchased for the purposes of the Community’s activities.

The “Area” is the specific land used exclusively by the Participant and Individuals they permit.

The “Participant” is an entity (Person) contributing payment for the purchase of the Property,

The “Community” is collectively all “Participants”.

An Individual (the “Individual”) is any flesh-and-blood human who attends the property.

“Minor Votes” are community votes pertaining to less critical issues that may not affect all Individuals. All Participants are entitled to vote, but it is not compulsory. For a motion to be carried, 51% or more of votes must be in-favor of the motion.

“Major Votes” are community votes pertaining to critical issues that are likely to affect most or all Individuals. All legally capable Participants are entitled to vote, but it is not compulsory. For a motion to be carried, 90% or more of votes must be in-favor of the motion.

“Residence” is the housing in which Individuals reside (sleep, eat, bath etc).

All Individuals must agree to these terms before being admitted to the property. It is the responsibility of all Individuals to ensure their guests also understand and agree to the rules.


  • The goal is to create a safe, free and comfortable community of like-minded people who are free of debt.

Ultimately it is a group of people buying land together and using intelligent solutions to make living more affordable.


  • Each Participant shall own a share of the property, but no Participant may have exclusive control over the sale or transfer of the Property.
  • Any Participant may sell their share of the Property to anyone and at any time.


  • Illegal activity is the sole risk of the Individual.

It is not your business what other people do, unless it is likely to affect you. If you are doing something illegal, keep in mind others may vote to expel you. This does not mean something minor like taping TV shows. It is more in reference to something major like operating a drug lab.

  • Alcohol, tobacco or other drug use is the Individual’s sole choice and responsibility.


  • Pets may be permitted or expelled if a Major Vote regarding the individual animal is passed.
  •  Individuals who have elected to care for pets are responsible for its well-being, and regular disposal of biological waste. In particular Individuals must not any animal under their care to defecate on another Participant’s Area or in any area that is shared by all Individuals.

If you have a potentially dangerous dog, it will not be permitted. The safety of individuals will not be risked. You can expect there to be a trial period to assess the pet’s nature, although it may not be granted. Also don’t let your animal leave a mess everywhere and if it does, it is your responsibility to clean it up.


  • Prior to the building of a facility, Participants must agree on which Individuals will have access.
  • No Area is legally owned by any Participant. However, Participants may be designated Areas that are exclusively used by Participants and Individuals they permit. The Areas are assigned to Participants based on a Major Vote, and may only be changed by a Major Vote.
  • Any part of the Property that is not an Area allocated to a Participant is a shared area, on which any Individual may be present at any time.


  • Major Votes are conducted for the following issues:

– The development of anything that requires council approval, and may restrict further development on the Property

– Any other issues that are likely to significantly affect the majority of other Individuals

  • Minor Votes are conducted for the following issues:

– Any issues that are likely to affect at least one other Individual, and do not warrant a Major Vote.


  • Participants may only build a facility or structure upon approval by the council, providing that the development is unlikely to affect the approval of future developments on the Property.
  • If any construction on shared area does not require a council permit, a Minor Vote must be passed for the construction to proceed.
  • If any development is done without council approval despite it requiring council approval, and the removal of the structure is ordered by the council, the structure must be removed by the responsible Participant before the council’s deadline. Any fees or fines from the council regarding such structures are the sole responsibility of the Participant who owns or cares for the structure.

If you build something that the council orders you to remove, you are personally liable if you don’t remove it. If the community or estate is likely to be held liable regardless, and you still refuse to remove the structure, expect that you will be expelled to protect the community, and other Participants will remove the structure.


  • Participants may remove or plant any vegetation in their Area, provided they are permitted by the council to do so.
  • Vegetation may only be removed or planted in shared areas if a Major Vote is passed.


  • Participants are responsible for adequately maintaining their Area and any structures within it, and adhering to maintenance required by local councils.

You must still adhere to reasonable local council rules, especially when then are likely to affect other Individuals. For example, in the bushfire season, you can’t let your grass grow out of control as it can put the safety of Individuals at risk.


  • Any payments required for property must be split evenly between all participants, unless otherwise agreed upon by the local council and Participants.


  • Any Individual may be expelled by a Major Vote. In this case, only the Participants who are not the subject of the vote may participate in the vote. The remaining Participants form the 100% of Participants required to pass the vote.
  • If an Individual is expelled, the Participants that voted to expel the Individual must purchase the expelled Individual’s share of the Property. The amount paid is equal to the average value estimate from three independent and impartial real estate agents.
  • The estimated value of the expelled Individual’s Area includes all permanent facilities that comply with council regulations.
  • Any expelled Individuals must vacate the property and relinquish their share within 7 days of being paid for their share of the Property.


  • Participants may host any new Individual to reside in a residence within their area or to use shared property, provided that the new Individual agrees to abide by these rules, are are approved to do so by a Minority Vote


  • Participants may host any visiting Individuals within their Area at any time. However, the visitor may not have access to shared facilities unless a Minor Vote is passed. The exception is the visitor is not restricted use of any shared area that is the only access to or from their host’s Area.


  • All Individuals agree to to keep noise at reasonable levels after 10pm.

Sound tends to carry in the country, so be respectful and understand others may be trying to sleep. But at the same time, you should be free to have a party. If you are having a party, please notify all other Participants that are likely to be affected. It is not their place to reject any parties you have, but keep in mind that any ongoing undesirable behavior may get you expelled.


  • It is expected than not everyone will get along. If you have a problem with any Individual, try to communicate with them and resolve the matter. If it is not possible, agree to disagree and accept that you are both different people.
  • Always be respectful of others. You don’t need to talk with anyone you don’t like, but it is very easy to be polite and respectful.
  • All Individuals understand and accept that they will not always get what they want.
  • Any Individual may call a vote about any issue.

Although you will be living potentially Acres away from others, when there is contact, understand that realistically there will be arguments and different opinions. Communication and respect is important in resolving issues. If you’re the type of person that is used to getting everything their way, this program may not be suitable for you.


  • Violence, Harassment or aggression are not tolerated. This includes any form of intimidation.

A safe and happy family environment where people are tolerant and respectful is of utmost importance. If you are a difficult person to work with and cause fear or anxiety, expect that others wont want you around.


  • You can have any religious or spiritual belief you want. Individuals each have their own beliefs that may be different to yours. Respect everyone’s right to believe whatever they choose, and don’t ostracize them for it.


  • Guns and weapons are not permitted on the Property. While they may be safe in the hands of experienced users, they have the capacity to cause accidental injury or death from people that inadvertently gain access.


  • The rules may be changed only by a Major Vote


  • Each individual is responsible for the production of their own food and water. However, any Individuals may agree to share workload or resources.


  • Each Participant is responsible for the proper and council-approved treatment of human waste and sewerage. All Participants must be given reasonable opportunity to review and object to the council regarding related plans.

Sewerage is a critical part of sustainability. If human waste is improperly disposed of, it can cause various issues including disease and unpleasant smells that affect all Individuals. You must use the right technology so everything is done right. Even if a council approves specific installations, your neighbor may argue they’ll be subject to foul odor.


  • The local council will provide Participants with bins they require. Each Participant must pay for their own bins which are emptied once per week by council contractors. Alternatively, Participants must make their own arrangements for regular garbage removal.
  • Individuals are expected to keep all areas surrounding their residence to be free of garbage.

Understand people want this lifestyle generally don’t like garbage, and they don’t want to see a mess. So please don’t leave a mess.


  •  Any use of chemicals anywhere on the Property must be approved by the local council, and via a Minority Vote

Chemicals can be a serious health hazard and may affect Individuals. Even if you think they are harmless, respect that other people may not want them around. You can expect a Minor Vote will enable you to use the typical chemicals such as petrol or weed killer for near your residence or fence lines. This rule is more for more harmful substances such as rat poison.


  •  Any fires must be approved by the local council, and via a Minority Vote

Small fires may be great for social gatherings, but they can be a serious hazard. Therefore they require council approval and a Minor Vote. You don’t need to call a vote every time you want to light a fire. Just once is enough.



Keep in mind you will probably be living acres from your neighbors, so may not even see them for weeks. But when there is contact and decisions to be made, it is inevitable that people will have different opinions.

In normal circumstances, you will not need rules or votes and can do whatever you want, provided that you clearly communicate with others. In this sense, it is no different to living in normal suburbs where if you are going to do something that may affect your neighbor, just run it by them first. These guidelines are more for when clear rules are required for everyone to refer to, so we are all on equal terms.